Hi Floks,
Please let me know if you have any good resources having all the skills
mentioned. Please feel free to call or mail me with updated resume and best
rate ASAP.

While you send the resume, *please mention the current location and rate
(Please... Please)*

******Need Consultant Immediately******

Title              : *EDI BIZTALK*
Location     : Alpharetta, GA
Duration     :  4-6 months contract

*This is a list of skills needed.*
BizTalk 2004/2006/2009 Skills (advanced/Expert expecially Mapping &
Advanced / Expert EDI Standards (X12 EDIFACT.SES.RosettaNet)
SAP IDCO/ALE & EDI (Basic to Advanced)
Advanced/Expert Windows Development Silss (Visial Studio, MS.net,SQL Server,
VB*, C++/C#)
EAI (Interfaces) / EDI Project Mgmt.
Communication Methods (WebServices, AS2, xFTPy)
Windows/Unix Environment

Thanks for your time and Consideration,

Best Regards,
Davis Johnson | IT Recruiter
Voice:  201-257-5081 Ext: 293
Email: da...@catstaffing-us.com
My Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/in/davisjohnson

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