On behalf of the Savannah Hackers team...

Savannah is starting a migration to updated servers.  After much
effort and preparation the Savannah Hackers team is beginning the
migration of the many components of Savannah.  Savannah is going to be
"under construction" for a time as services are moved.

The migration starts today, 2016-11-30, and will continue until
completed.  The migration will occur piecemeal in small service groups
rather than all at once.  Savannah is composed of many service groups.
It will take some days and perhaps weeks to fully complete the
migration of all services.

During this time users may notice hopefully brief service disruptions
and may notice IP address changes while this migration is occurring.
We will try to keep downtime to the minimum necessary.  Undoubtedly
there will be unforeseen problems.  Rather than take forever planning,
preparing, and attempting a perfect transition, which is not possible,
we think it is better to work on small pieces and be as responsive to
problems caused as possible.

Your patience during this time will be greatly appreciated.  If you
observe a problem and it is short lived then thank you for your

If you observe a problem and it persists longer than you think is
reasonable then please let us know about it.  We are not able to
detect all possible problems ourselves.  I feel certain we will
discover things that we did not know before.  Your help in using and
testing the new systems and in reporting problems to us is also
greatly appreciated.

Bob, Assaf, and Karl

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