Thérèse Godefroy wrote:
> Le 04/08/2017 19:48, Ineiev a écrit :
> > getfacl gbehistun/gbehistun/ | setfacl --set-file=- oo-browser/oo-browser/
> Thanks, Ineiev!
> It works, but not quite:

I am updating this page with the latest learnings from today about the
www ACLs.

> cvs commit: warning: cannot open history file
> `/webcvs/metalogic-inference/CVSROOT/history' for write: Permission denied

The history file needed a tweak.


> /webcvs/metalogic-inference/metalogic-inference/.symlinks,v  <--  .symlinks
> initial revision: 1.1
> cvs commit: warning: cannot open history file
> `/webcvs/metalogic-inference/CVSROOT/history' for write: Permission denied
> Triggering webpages update...

But the history file update is only a warning and therefore I think
this worked anyway.

> I wonder how many more repos don't have their acl set.

Lots.  I ran this command to set all of them as of this moment.

  vcs:/web# setfacl -m group:www:rw- /web/*/CVSROOT/history
  vcs:/web# find . -name CVSROOT -prune -o -type d -exec setfacl -m 
default:group:www:rwx -m group:www:rwx {} +
  vcs:/web# find . -name CVSROOT -prune -o -type f -exec setfacl -m 
group:www:rw- {} +

So at this moment I think all should be up to date.  The ongoing
question will be if new projects get set up correctly or not.

Please let us know if this fixes the current permission problems.


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