Hi Bob,

See below.

Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:

> Arnold Robbins wrote:
> > I'm seeing terribly slow git response from Savannah, both in Israel
> > and from a machine on the US east coast.  So I think the problem isn't
> > network related.
> ...
> > If anyone is awake (I know it's about 1:00 a.m. east coast time), please
> > investigate.
> I believe that one of the projects hosted must have announced a new
> git release and that synchronized a lot of people trying to clone at
> the same time.  It seemed as if everyone in the world was trying to
> clone all at once.  There was almost 8G of system memory consumed
> solely by many running git processes.  It just couldn't keep up.
> Eventually I couldn't find an alternative to killing all of the git
> processes and waiting a bit before restarting the git daemon.
> Hopefully as people start cloning again they won't all do it at once.
> A little time skew goes a long way.
> Having done that at around 06:20 UTC (11:20pm US/Mountain) that seemed
> to break the problem and things appear to be working normally again
> since then.  I have once again reduced the number of parallel git
> servers, now down from 25 to 15.
> Bob

Much thanks. That seems to have done the trick; it's behaving
normally for me now.

I would have thought most people would do 'git pull' instead of 'git clone'
and that pulling wouldn't be quite as intensive, but who knows...

Thanks again - now go get some sleep. :-)


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