
This email is a request to create 3 new Git repositories under the Guix
project on Savannah [0]

Git repository name:       Description

build-coordinator:         Service for managing Guix builds.
nar-herder:                Manage a collection of Guix nar files.
qa-frontpage:              Assist with Quality Assurance for Guix.

The source code of each repositories is accessible at
https://git.cbaines.net/guix/nar-herder, and
https://git.cbaines.net/guix/qa-frontpage, respectively.

[0]  https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/guix

My Savannah user name is 'apteryx' and this email is signed for my
public GPG key uploaded there.

Thank you!


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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