>    https://web.cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/groff/groff/manual/

   If you open that URL you will find a directory:


Yes, that directory exists.

   alongside this one:


So does this one.

   I asked my CVS checkout what the status of the former is.

   $ cvs status | grep html_node || echo NO RESULT
   cvs status: Examining .

Which, given a fresh checkout, does not return NO RESULT; since the
directory html_node exists in CVS.

So the question remains, how did you checkout, and what did you do in
your directory.  I would _guess_ that you've removed it locally, but
never done the cvs step of removing it.

E.g., in a fresh checkout, I do

$ rm -rf manual/html_node 
$ cvs status|grep html_node||echo NO RESULT
cvs2 status: Examining .
cvs2 status: Examining manual
cvs2 status: Examining manual/groff.html.node
$ cvsu                   
X manual/html_node

And I will bet that if you do "cvs update -PAd" .. you will once again
have that directory.

To remove it, you need to do "cvs remove manual/html_node" -- or

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