On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 10:42:53PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> I would like to upgrade the Savannah SQL database.  Currently due to
> the long history and legacy many of the database tables are of of
> engine type MyISAM and of various legacy charset types.  That reflects
> the current defaults when those tables were created.  If we were doing
> things today we would create tables using the InnoDB engine and always
> using the utf8mb4 charset type.

Sounds great.

> The question is how do we get from where we are today with MyISAM to
> this goal state using InnoDB?  Everything should "Just Work" in the
> new state.  I am not aware of any reason that it would not.  But I
> don't know of any way to test this with the current environment today.
> A year ago I had done this on a test instance but that's no longer
> available.  But at the time the test migration worked okay.

I think you could use a test instance running on frontend2, at least
for web UI; I'll send the details off-list, though they are mostly
secret de Polichinelle.

> I would like to stop the web UI frontend for a maintenance window time
> in order to do this database migration.
> At the end of the test take internal1's database offline to prevent
> accidentally connecting to it and having a "split brain" problem.
> What do you think?  Comments?  Improvements to the plan?  Alternative
> suggestions?

LGTM; unrelated: I'll be off-line for a few hectohours since approx.
2024-07-10 13:00 UTC.

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