A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Laurent Sansonetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: mbsd
Other License: 
Package: a GNOME manager for your BSD ports
System name: gportupgrade
Type: non-GNU

gPortupgrade is a graphical fronthead for the portupgrade tool (a management tool for 
the BSD ports collection).  

Using gPortupgrade, you can easily upgrade all your software in one mouse click.  You 
can also search software, [un]install new ports, etc...

It is totally written in Ruby, using the GNOME binding.

You can browse the actual source code (there is also a screenshot) here:


(warning: this web connection may be very very slow)

Other Software Required:
- the portupgrade tool
- the ruby language
- the gnome2 environment
- the ruby-gnome2 binding

Other Comments:
Sorry for the first issue.

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