A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Nicolas Couture <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Set of utilities that add functionalitie
System name: lts-utils
Type: non-GNU

Set of shell scripts (utilities) usefull for configuring and managing linux terminal 
servers running ltsp (www.ltsp.org). I currently am working on these scripts and not 
all of them are done, as I write that I have made a script to stabilize the dhcp 
server (which is crucial for LTSs) that replaces a broken dhcpd.conf file whith the 
last know good one in case the dhcp daemon does not restart with the current 
configuration. There will be a script for managing the configuration of LTSP and 
debugging non-working terminals from the configuration file. I will soon include a 
script that add security to ltsp as everything from the terminals to the server(s) 
passes in clear text, will use freeswan\'s new opportunistic encryption design (a 
removable device will be needed on the clients).

Other Software Required:
The Bourne Again Shell

Other Comments:

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