Dear CVS hackers,

A CVS checkin was interrupted this morning and there seems to
be a lock in /cvsroot/gnugo/gnugo. Attempts to use the CVS
give this message:

cvs server: [11:55:46] waiting for bump's lock in /cvsroot/gnugo/gnugo
cvs server: [11:56:16] waiting for bump's lock in /cvsroot/gnugo/gnugo

The CVS manual states:

>    If several developers try to run CVS at the same time, one may get
> the following message:
>      [11:43:23] waiting for bach's lock in /usr/local/cvsroot/foo
>    CVS will try again every 30 seconds, and either continue with the
> operation or print the message again, if it still needs to wait.  If a
> lock seems to stick around for an undue amount of time, find the person
> holding the lock and ask them about the cvs command they are running.
> If they aren't running a cvs command, look in the repository directory
> mentioned in the message and remove files which they own whose names
> start with `#cvs.rfl', `#cvs.wfl', or `#cvs.lock'.

We are in this situation but I don't think that even with
administrative privileges for gnugo I am able to remove the lock.

Can you either remove the lock or tell me how I can do it myself?

Daniel Bump

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