A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Lucas Gonze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: waste
System name: waste
Type: non-GNU

This project will be a centralized point for ongoing development of Waste, the 
groupware/IM software released, and then abandoned, by Nullsoft.  At present patches 
to Waste are being released into the wild, for example by posting to random mail lists 
and IRC channels, and being applied to code gathered from untrusted sources.  By 
providing a single location for ongoing development we will be able to improve 
security substantially, keep the development community from fragmenting, and keep the 
code high quality.  Also, US export regulations require a notification be sent that 
references a canonical download URL, so by creating such a URL we will be able to 
bring the project within export law.

One mirror of the source code is at 

Other Software Required:
I am not aware of any non-free dependencies.

Other Comments:
This project is a loose bag of functionality which appears to have been abandoned by 
its author.  The author of this message is not the author of the code.

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