
I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.


> A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
> This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thierry & Yuniati GAYET <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
> License: gpl
> Other License: 
> Package: YAF an open data center for the entreprise

Savannah's mission is to host free software projects,
and we want the public to think of them as free software projects.
A project name that says "open" will tend to lead people
to think of the project as "open source" instead of "free software".

We would be glad if you accept to use "free" instead of
"open" in your project name.

> System name: yaf72 Type: GNU
> Description:
> YAF, a information center for the entreprise.
> While SAS exist, an agregation of the information which come from the firm, like a 
> data center. YAY, have been created to manage all the information that everybody can 
> use or need. The information are saved and can be read again another time. The 
> source code will be created with the Linux Maine Association located in Le 
> Mans/Sarthe/France (LUG) and the idea come from a firm \"Feuille à Feuille\" 
> Tresson/Sarthe/France.
> Everybody who want to use this system must have a profile. Using this profile, the 
> user can customize his session. When somebody login to his session he only see the 
> information he can see.
> The information is useful for acount manager, for direction, for communication 
> services, for makerting, for many services of a firm. it can be used 
> An extrapolation of this system, could be to manage many account for several firms 
> on a single server. It can be usefull for people who don\'t have a web server. This 
> way can be interresting cos bugges can be easily removed cos we control the source 
> code.
> Source code not available yet but will be download soon.

Please register your project again including a URL
(could be temporary) where we can find the source code.
The description you give during project registration will be
read by Savannah administrators and not by the general public;
if you are concerned with privacy, you can
send me a copy of the code by e-mail,

We would like to look at your source code, even if it is still
not functional, to help you fix potential legal issues which
would be harder to correct after the project gets approved.
For example, to release your program properly under the GPL,
you should write copyright notices and copying permission statements
at the beginning of every source code file,
as explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

Please register your project once more with the changes mentioned
above.  The way we handle pending projects makes it difficult to keep
track of projects that have been answered but have not been approved
yet, so we erase them and we ask you to register the project again every
time some change has to be done to the registration, and users might
have to register their projects several times.  Thank you for your

Some users find it useful to use the big re-registration URL provided in
the acknowledgment e-mail you received after registration.


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker: 

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