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Martin Grimme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: gDesklets
System name: gdesklets
Type: non-GNU

The project gdesklets provides a framework for Gnome 2.x for desktop applets. Applets 
can e.g. be iconbars, newsreaders, status views... anything imaginable. New applets 
(called displays) can be simply created by writing XML files. Inspired by projects 
like Karamba on KDE, gdesklets also provides functionality for eyecandy such as 
transparent windows. 

gdesklets (Gnome Desktop Applets) is written in Python with using the gtk-bindings 
PyGTK2. Python is powerful enough for this task and we believe that the use of 
higher-level languages results in code that is much better maintainable and better to 

Basically, gdesklets provides a framework for a model-view-controller system. The 
model is the data to be monitored (this can be anything, e.g. CPU temperature, free 
diskspace, an RSS news channel, ...)
The view is the display composed of several widgets. Composing is done with XML 
definition files.
The controller (we call it Sensor) is the part that retrieves data, pushes it to the 
display and may react on user interaction on the display. The set of sensors is 
expansible since they are loaded dynamically at runtime.

Our goal is to provide some eyecandy to the Gnome desktop that is not only beautiful 
but also useful.

Source code of the current program state is available at:

Other Software Required:
gdesklets requires:
- Python 2.x
- a recent version of PyGTK 1.99.x  (x > 13)
- GConf

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