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Oliver F. M. Stoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Morse Code Tool
System name: mct
Type: non-GNU

Morse code trainer (mct) is a small utility written in C++,
that takes a certain set of characters (letters, numbers and
some special characters) as input, and outputs the corresponding
morse code on /dev/dsp with specifiable speed and pitch.

An additional utility (mctmkcode) generates columns of random
text to pipe into "mct" for practice.

The software should run on any system with GNU-C++ compiler and
a working DSP device.

A first version can be seen at http://ofmstoll.de/bin/mct-linux-1.0.tar.gz

Other Software Required:

Other Comments:
I cannot abide by your coding guide lines and still have fun coding :-)

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