A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
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Bradley M. Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Calendula
System name: calendula
Type: GNU

Calendula is a Free Software system (under the GNU GPL) to handle contact
management for non-profit organizations and/or NGOs.  The goal is to
organize the various human contact-oriented tasks of a non-profit (e.g.,
donor management, fundraising, sales, membership programs, corporate
sponsorship) into a unified system.

The primary design goal is to build a system that has a core data model
to store information and deep relationship detail about organizational
and individual contacts, and build upon that by making each type of way
that information is used a module that can be added to the core.  The
system will be successful if users can add different Calendula modules in
new combinations to build a contact management system that fits the
workflow of that particular non-profit.

Other Software Required:
PostgreSQL and/or MySQL

Other Comments:
This project replaces the "Angel" project.  We cannot use the name Angel due to 
trademark problems, so before we get started we are renaming it completely.  
savannah-hackers suggested that we simply make a new project request rather than 
attempt to rename the existing "Angel" project.

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