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Michael Schiebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Open Game Library
System name: ogl
Type: non-GNU

The Open Game Library

OGL is a java based game library, licenced under GPL, that will be available to make 
open source cross-paltform (any platform that gcc/gcj is ported to) game development.

This project is currently in the planning stages but initial code will soon be 

Other Software Required:
Unknown at this time.  Possibly will create a swing/awt replacement based off of SDL 

Other Comments:

The goal of this licence choice was to make the library, ANY extensions to the 
library, or any game engine that uses the library to be released under GPL, howeve, I 
still want to allow any derived games that use the library to copyright their 
"content"* under any licence of their choice. Is this the approperate choice or must I 
go with the LGPL?

The end goal is to create a single open game engine that non-programmers can use to 
create their own game, while creating a community that improves the engine as a whole. 
 Long term I see a single self-updating game client executable that every game can 
use, without modification, which provides a menu of installed games, or configured 
game servers.  When the end-user selects the game to play, the specific game content 
is loaded and the game starts.  This way game developers only need to distribute their 
game content and all games that use the system have a level playing field with the 
actual game content to differentiate.

*content in this contect refers to images, data files, etc. that make a game unique, 
i.e. the specific ceative content.

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