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Christian Thaeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: other
Other License: GNU General Public License V2 (not later for now)

No LGPL, reliciensing for closed source projects will be possible for some fee (i need 

Rights will be transfered under the FSF-Europe's "Fiduciary Licence Agreement - FLA" 
to the FSF-Europe (With a non-LGPL clause)

Package: MaLa (MacroLanguage)
System name: mala
Type: GNU

MaLa is a small extendable macro language which can be embedded in applications.

MaLa will be implemented natively for different languages:
    1) C/libhackerlab
    2) C/glibc
    3) Standard C++
    4) Python (maybe)
    5) Pike (maybe)
    6) Prolog (likely)

Its main purposes are:
    * Program option parsing much easier than getopt.
    * Loading configfiles.
    * Providing an interactive commandline UI.
    * Scripting support for small system tools.

Theres is a Wiki for design discussions on:
note: currently very incomplete and confusing, will be cleaned up sometime.

Other Software Required:
Depending on the flavour of MaLa some Languages and extra libraries are required but 
most of this dependencies will be optional.

    - Tom Lord's alternaive C-Runtime 'libhackerlab'
    - libreadline (optional)
    - Python
    - Pike

Other Comments:
MaLa will not be hosted on CVS, i use Tom Lord's arch instead.
When MaLa becomes useable I would like to proprose it as a official GNU-Project as a 
new much better getopt alternative.

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