A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
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Sridhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Sim8085
System name: sim8085
Type: GNU

The project name is Sim8085.  But in sourceforge it was named as GNUSim8085.  This 
named will be maintained only when it is characterised as a GNU project.  
Sim8085 is a simulator for the intel 8085 microprocessor.  It consists of a Assembler 
and Debugger.  While debugging the contents of the register, flags, memory and IO 
ports can be viewed.  There is variables view also.  Stack view is under development. 
I have hosted my project on sourceforge, which can be checked out at ...


http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnusim8085 is project homepage.

Here is a screenshot of the project.

I promise to change the name to Sim8085 if my projects is not accepted and retain it 
to GNUSim8085 if accepted.

Other Software Required:
GNOME libs
Scintilla (only archive is included in source tarball, but sources can be downloaded 
from http://scintilla.org/ )

Other Comments:
Yes I have send my source code to one of Savannah Admins.  But I have also posted a 
link to the source in the above description.

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