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Ulf Jasper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: newsticker.el
System name: newsticker
Type: non-GNU

;;  This package provides a newsticker for Emacs.  A newsticker is a
;;  thing that asynchronously retrieves a list of headlines (which are
;;  contained in RDF Site Summary (RSS) files) from a list of news
;;  sites, displays these headlines, and allows for loading the
;;  corresponding articles in a web browser.
;;  This package should work with all RSS files that follow the "RDF
;;  Rich Site Summary (RSS) 1.0" specification (see
;;  http://purl.org/rss/1.0/spec).
;;  It may also work with other/older/alternative rss formats (like
;;  0.9<something> or such).

Source code:
has been posted as newsticker.el to news:gnu.emacs.sources,
and can be found at http://de.geocities.com/ulf_jasper/lisp/newsticker.el.txt

Other Software Required:
(Emacs, wget)

Other Comments:

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