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Jascha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Local Area Security Knoppix
System name: las
Type: non-GNU

A live CD security distribution based on a very stripped down version of Knoppix 
(http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html).  The stripped down version we start 
with is 35MB in size to which we add roughly 100-150 security tools (all GPL).  
Leaving out any bloat such as KDE or any X.  Aiming for a ISO the size of 185MB.  We 
alread have the ISO up to 61MB.  The difference between this project and others 
(http://Knoppix-std.org and http://fire.dmzs.com) is that we are aiming for a 
lightweight (all others are 700MB ISOs) command line version.  Along with the aim of a 
185MB image we are stripping away a few things to get a 49MB image suitable for CD 
buiness cards.  Yet still has about 40+ security tools including tethereal, ettercap, 
autopsy/sleuth-kit, cryptcat, nmap, etc.

Other Software Required:

Other Comments:
More interested in hosting project here since Knoppix is based on Debian and would 
like to help promote this site instead of Source Forge (not to say there is anything 
wrong with SF).

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