Owen Swerkstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I made a commit to web cvs yesterday morning and it 
> hasn't reflected on the public page yet. 
> Also, just a few minutes ago I committed again, and 
> got this: 
> Checking in freemindbrowser.html; 
> /webcvs/non-gnu/bontz/docs/freemindbrowser.html,v  <-- 
>  freemindbrowser.html 
> new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3 
> done 
> sh: /tmp/cvswebcommitlog: Permission denied 
> so it looks like it went in but something didn't 
> happen quite right.  I didn't notice this yesterday 
> but I can't say it didn't happen, either. 
> I recently set up the main (not web) repository to 
> send mail to our list when a commit is made (following 
> the instructions in the docs), and that works 
> beautifully.  Is it possible I screwed something up in 
> doing that?  Or are there problems with web CVS at the 
> moment? 

gnudist is broken right now... so that might be why. I'm
investigating this but you should really log a bug so that we don't
lose track of the issue.


Nic Ferrier

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