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Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: GPC-Slots 2
System name: gpcslots2
Type: non-GNU

GPC-Slots 2 is a more advanced gpcslots. It sports multiple slot machines, a 
progressive jackpot which is added to by all the machines and table games including 
monte carlo roulette, sic-bo-tai-sai, and russian roulette. It also will create a 
webpage of your stats.
NOTE: Run in Gnome-Terminal with Linux Colors set as the color scheme or the Console 
for the sake of perty colors (Xterm uses a diffrent color scheme that looks less good 
IMHO for some unknown reason)

Source https://caethaver2.ath.cx/cat2/gpcslots2
Programming Lang: PERL
HTTPS CERT: Yes its expired etc etc etc, no I don't have the $$$ to pay the extortion 
racket for a "real" one

Other Software Required:
A shell

Other Comments:
East Chozt

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