A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Francis IELSCH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: HackJack
System name: hackjack
Type: non-GNU

hackjack is a security tool that aims at injecting 802.11b frames in 802.11b networks 
to test them.
Actually, it is possible to forge only some management frames. Version 0.1 will allow 
users to forge every mgmt frames, 0.2 will add control frames injection support and 
0.3 data frames injection support.

Current source code can be downloaded from 

HackJack is distributed under GNU GPL licence.

Other Software Required:
hackjack needs the airjack driver to work. airjack driver is distributed under Gnu GPL 
licence and can be downloaded from source forge.

Other Comments:

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