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Christopher Culver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Bibliotheque
System name: bibliotheque
Type: non-GNU

Bibliotheque is an application which manages home or office libraries. It allows one 
to catalog their books and maintain such information as author, title, ISBN, genre, 
etc. Furthermore, it will allow the user to define their own fields. Assume there is 
interest, Bibliotheque may be extended to maintain catalogues of music and film 

Bibliotheque is built with the GNUstep development environment (www.gnustep.org), a 
free-software implementation of the OPENSTEP standard. Lately GNUstep has offered more 
and more applications useful for the average computer user, and Bibliotheque 
contributes to this trend.

Other Software Required:
The GNUstep core libraries (www.gnustep.org)

Other Comments:

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