A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Marco Parrone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: GNU GPL and compatible licenses.

Package: Repository for stuff for Emacs
System name: emhacks
Type: non-GNU

A repository for unofficial code and docs for Emacs
(every free Emacs).

Not only elisp code.

The only requirements for files to enter in this repositiry
are to meet the Savannah project requirements 
and to be usable on or with Emacs (for example some elisp
functions, or an howto for doing x with emacs, or a program,
even not written in Emacs Lisp, but which has the primary
interface written in Emacs Lisp and/or which is meant to be used
from/with Emacs Lisp).

However all the decisions will be made on a case-by-case base
by the members of the project.

The members will communicate using a mailing list.

The first files to enter will likely be:


Other Software Required:

Other Comments:

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