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Joseph Rawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: paella
System name: paella
Type: GNU

Replace this paragraph by the technical description of your
project (approximately 20 lines should be OK). Do not
forget to include a URL to the source code, even if it
is not a functional version (it will be easier to sort out
licensing problems now, rather than having your project
rejected later on). If you do not have any code
to show yet, then say that explicitly.

Source: paella
Section: unknown
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), python
Standards-Version: 3.5.8

Package: paella
Section: admin
Architecture: all
Priority: optional
Depends: paella-profile
Description: meta-package for default paella packages
    Paella is a installation/configuration management system
    centered on being able to easily define, configure, maintain and
    update systems and networks.  Tries to not reinvent too many
    wheels, and works hand in hand with fai.  It is planned to be
    extended to work with buildroots and embedded systems.

Package: paella-base
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: python (>= 2.2), python-htmlgen, python-csv
Description: base utils for paella
    This package is responsible for initial setup of the paella 
    environment. (need to ask for pghost, etc..)

Package: paella-contrib
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: paella-base
Description: other people's code that paella uses
    This is where paella tries not to reinvent wheels.
    this package will be optional soon

Package: paella-dblevel
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: python-sqlite, paella-sqlgen  
Description: paella's databse interface
    Paella can connect to a Postgres database by default.
    There is also code to allow it to easily connect to a sqlite
    database.  The sqlite options are much more limited and there
    is no real support for differentiating the db's now.  Postgres
    is intended to be the main database, with sqlite just used
    for disconnected machines

Package: paella-dbschema
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: paella-dblevel, paella-debian
Description: skeletons for database generation
    classes and functions to help create database schemas,
    generate and primer the databases.

Package: paella-debian
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: paella-base, python-apt
Description: Documentation for paella
    many class and functions for use with debian related
    activities (dpkg, package repositories, debconf, etc.)

Package: paella-gtk
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: paella-base, python-gtk2, python-gnome2
Description: gui widgets needed by paella
    This package contains the strictly gui gtk-wrappers that
    paella needs for its gui programs.  This package may eventually
    depend on python-glade2, if i decide to use it to help build
    interface sekeletons

Package: paella-profile
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: paella-gtk, paella-dbschema
Description: trait and profile management for paella
    This is the main package with the paella configuration applications
    in it.  Remember, right now there is only gui and management for the
    database, the config directory is not packaged yet.

Package: paella-sqlgen
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: paella-base, python-pgsql
Description: sql statement helper
    A little sql statement creator package.  The clause and table joining
    is planned to get more involved.  This package will always have from simple
    to complex at the developers choice

Package: paella-installer
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: paella-dbschema
Description: package for nfsroot installer
    This package should be installed on the nfsroot installer

Other Software Required:
paella-contrib has a script that i got from aspn, faqt or some other cookbook on the 
web, it's not much of a dependency and can be replaced

Other Comments:
some of the descriptions are todo's

the post-install configuration doen't work yet
the hooks wit fai are real flimsy now, and fai mainly only
needed to setup the nfsroot and boot kernels

7c8d2159ad1cde9c37dcc097793c76b1  paella.tar.bz2

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