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Dhruva Krishnamurthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: CVS source download/sync access from behind firewall
System name: cvsget
Type: GNU

# -*-perl-*-
# Time-stamp: <2003-08-11 12:06:42 dhruva>
# cvsget.pl --- Download CVS repository (like CVSGrab)
# Copyright (C) 2003 Dhruva Krishnamurthy
# Author: Dhruva Krishnamurthy
# Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Keywords: cvs, proxy, firewall, grab
# Created: 01st August 2003
# Latest: http://schemer.fateback.com/pub/scripts/cvsget.pl
# Status: ALPHA
#         o have Tried with PERL 5.8 and GNU Wget 1.9-beta to get GNU Emacs
#           and XEmacs CVS sources

# Commentary:
# In fond rememberence of my cousin, an exceptional human being.
# PERL script to download a CVS repository through HTTP. The CVS repository
# must be viewable in the browser throught ViewCVS. Useful when behind the
# all too (in)famous fascist firewall and proxy. As I am behind one, this
# served as an inspiration. I have extensively tested this on GNU Emacs and
# XEmacs CVS repositories.

# Internals:
#    o                 CVSHASH format
#    o ---------1----------2--------3--------------4------------5---
#    o File or Directory path from Package root folder
#    o The 2nd field MUST be 'f' OR 'd'=> File OR Directory
#    o The 3rd field is the REVISION number. For directories '0'
#    o The 4th field MUST be 'n' => No updation required (like parity check)
#    o The 5th field stores the previous version for rollback
#    o Uses mark and sweep concept for finding modified entities
#    o Crawling is done by main thread
#    o Multi threaded for downloading only

# Usage:
#    o Copy the script to somewhere in your path
#    o $baseurl must be the base URL for download link, NOT view link
#    o perl -S cvsget.pl
#    o Set environmental variables for PROXY (HTTP_PROXY) is using proxy
#    o Edit the user modifiable variables if you want default behavior

# Dependencies:
#    o Needs IO::Handle, File::Path, LWP::UserAgent

# Todo:
#    o May be use Berkeley DB/Sleepycat to store cvsdata
#    o Support downloading from CVS BRANCHES
#    o There are some SCALAR leakages... How do I fix them?

# ChangeLog:
#    o Changed the seperator in cvsdata from ' ' to '|'
#    o Added command line options
#    o Made it more robust
#    o Added signal handler to commit changes for modifications
#    o LWP works! but needs more testing
#    o Can restore previous version when download fails
#    o Added support to CURL downloader (Experimental)
#    o Added basic proxy options
#    o Multi threaded downloading to speed up
#    o Provided thread count limit
#    o Check downloaded file size for non-zero (mainly for LWP)
#    o Reduced runtime memory usage

Other Software Required:
PERL (preferably with threads)
PERL LWP (libwww-perl, optional)
GNU Wget

Other Comments:
"Rudy Gevaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has checked and responded

> Your file is ok.  Please reregister and I will approve it. (make a 
> note in the Other comments field).

> Rudy

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