On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 12:16:31PM +0100, Nick Roberts wrote:
> Rudy,
> > I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in
> > Savannah.
> >
> > First of all sorry for the late reply. Please accept my
> > apologies.
> Thank you very much for the apologies. However, I'm afraid I've already
> applied for and been accepted by BerliOS Developer, for the Tenet project.
> Would you please cancel my application at Savannah. Sorry.

Ok, I have canceled it. Good luck with your project.

> > I have a question about the license you choose.  It is compatible
> > with the GPL, so in general it is ok.  However, I would like to ask
> > you why you want to add the exception.
> For your interest, the exception is a consequence of a difference between
> the C and Ada programming languages.
Ok thank you, I understand.

Rudy Gevaert                [EMAIL PROTECTED]           
Web page                    http://www.webworm.org
GNU/Linux for schools       http://www.nongnu.org/glms
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