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Walter Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: other
Other License: Most of the files are licensed under the GPL, version 2 only.  I am not 
the original copyright holder.  The rest are version 2 or later.
Package: ArX revision control system
System name: arx
Type: non-GNU

ArX is a distributed revision control system that features
distributed repositories, fancy merging, support for renaming,
unobtrusive operation, and revision libraries. It consists of a
collection of shell scripts and C code, and brings together
many shell utilities, SSH, HTTP, diff, and patch. 

ArX is a fork of larch, a revision control system started by Tom Lord.

The current home of ArX is


Other Software Required:
Boost (www.boost.org) and Loki (http://sourceforge.net/projects/loki-lib/).  Loki is 
licensed under an MIT style license, and the boost library has similar requirements 
for all of its libraries.  See


Other Comments:
The current host for ArX has run out of time to manage the servers, so he has asked 
for it to be moved.

All of the source files in the latest release (1.0pre11) should now have an 
appropriate GPL notice.  There is no cryptography in the current release, although 
future versions may.  In that case, I would like to continue to use the mailing list 
and bug tracker, but I would distribute the actual crypto code from elsewhere.

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