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Oliver Scholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Emacs/RTF
System name: emacs-rtf
Type: GNU

rtf.el --- reader/writer and writer for the Rich Text Format (RTF)

This package aims to implement the "Rich Text Format" (RTF), version

1.6, as a file format for GNU Emacs. It also provides the necessary

framework to edit RTF documents in an Emacs buffer.

This package is about _word_processing_, not about editing of source


This package is in a very early state of development. Currently only

the reader is in the work, and only the main structure of it is

implemented. Some RTF documents are already rendered correctly,


Other Software Required:
GNU Emacs

Other Comments:
I already sent the existing source code to Rudy Gevaert (rudy at gnu dot org) and 

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