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Frédéric Praca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: GSLDAPBrowser
System name: gsldapbrowse
Type: non-GNU

The aim of the project is to provide a LDAP browser utility for GNUstep.

it can only be used to look at data in LDAP directories using LDAP URL according to 
the RFC 2255.

 It\\\'s based on GSLDAP provided with the GNUstep framework, OpenLDAP libraries and 
the whole GNUstep framework (AppKit and Foundation). Currrently, the source code is 
available on Internet at this address http://frederic.praca.free.fr/GSLDAPBrowser/ 

Other Software Required:
GSLDAPBrowser depends on GNUstep and GSLDAP framework (included in GNUstep dev-libs). 
By the way, it depends on OpenLDAP as GSLDAP depends on it.

Other Comments:

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