A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: fdl
Other License: Also Creative Commons ShareAlike 1.0 or above. We wish to support this 
licence as a positive contribution to Free Content.
Package: NVDA Encyclopedia
System name: nvdaopedia
Type: non-GNU

This project is to provide an encyclopedia of non-violent direct action techniques and 
tactics (Working definition: no physical/verbal violence to living things or excessive 
property damage). Content will be standardized in the Docbook format and (through 
software conversion) published in xhtml and pdf formats. Content will mostly be 
collaboratively reformatted/rewritten content from other websites, licensed by the 
content owners under the GNU Free Documentation or Creative Commons ShareAlike 

This is a new project.

Other Software Required:

Other Comments:

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