
I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.


> A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
> This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Olivier Bounhoure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
> License: gpl
> Other License: 
> Package: GiD-Aster
> System name: gid-aster
> Type: non-GNU
> Description:
> GiD-Aster is an interface which aims to permit using the finite elements models made 
> from the commercial software GiD

By commercial, do you mean proprietary?

Note that commercial does not mean proprietary. 

Free Software means that users have certain freedoms; it does
not mean zero price.  "Commercial" means "associated with
business"; a commercial program may be free or non-free,
depending on its license.  So it is a mistake to treat
"free" and "commercial" as contraries.  When a business
develops free software, that is free commercial software.

> with the GPLed solver Aster. It is made of a GiD problem type and
> his documentation. The global objective of this interface is to
> allow everyone to use a free solver (Code_Aster) instead of a
> commercial one like Nastran or Compass commercial solution provided
> by the GiD environement. I would like to point out that the CIMNE
> (who made GiD) explicitly gave up any right about problem types made
> by contributors.

Do you need any proprietary software to make use of yours?
Can you give details about that?

> References can be found at gid.cimne.upc.es for GiD and at www.code-aster.org for 
> Code_aster.
> The sources of the software are going to be sent by mail.

Before releasing your project under the GPL, please place
copyright notices and permission to copy statements at the beginning
of every file of source code.  

In addition, if you haven't already, please copy a copy of the plain
text version of the GPL, available from
(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt), into a file named "COPYING".

Additional instructions are available from

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.  To learn
why a copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code,
for example, go to

Please register your project once more with the changes
mentioned above.  

We cannot track projects that have been answered but not approved, so
we must ask you to register the project whenever you change the
registration. Make sure to apply all changes so you need to reregister
only once.

The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgement of your earlier
registration will direct you to the proper location.


Mathieu Roy

  | General Homepage:           http://yeupou.coleumes.org/             |
  | Computing Homepage:         http://alberich.coleumes.org/           |
  | Not a native english speaker:                                       |
  |     http://stock.coleumes.org/doc.php?i=/misc-files/flawed-english  |

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