On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 09:08:51AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> > Desactivating the bugs tracker (which I just did) currently prevents
> > anybody from seeing old bugs. Is this enough or do you want bugs to be
> > truly removed from the DB?
> I want them truely removed since I want the bug tracker active with an
> alternative URL. If we deactivate the tracker completely people won't have
> a way to get to the new bug tracker at all from the savannah project page.
> >> I have set an alternative URL for our bugs, but people could still
> >> accidentially get into the old database if they follow an old link like
> >> http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs?group=classpath
> Or is there a way to also redirect the above URL?
> Thanks,

Bugs removed. Should be ok now :)


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