Follow-up Comment #8, sr #110546 (project administration):

More info about specific operating systems / distributions (in their original
state, NOT fully patched):


Debian 9.3
Debian 9.6
Debian 10.7
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 18.04  (fix: sudo apt install ca-certificates)
Ubuntu 20.04  (fix: sudo apt install ca-certificates)
ElementaryOS 5.0  (fix: sudo apt install ca-certificates)
Fedora 13
CentOS 7.3
Guix 1.0
Guix 1.1
macOS 10.13.4
NetBSD 8.0
NetBSD 9.0
Solaris 11.3
Solaris 11.4
Cygwin 2.9.0

*Not affected:*

Ubuntu 20.10
Fedora 27
Fedora 29
Fedora 30
Fedora 31
Fedora 32
Fedora 33
CentOS 7.8
CentOS 8.0
Manjaro 17
OpenSUSE 15.2
Alpine Linux 3.9
macOS 11.3
FreeBSD 12.0
FreeBSD 13.0
OpenBSD 6.8
OpenBSD 6.9
Solaris 11 OmniOS 2020
AIX 7.1


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