Follow-up Comment #3, sr #110553 (project administration):

Yes, much faster than cloning. I've confirmed that the changes do work. The
checkout is now under 1 minute.

Thank you!

root@debian:~/gnulib-test# git -C gnulib remote add origin
root@debian:~/gnulib-test# time git -C gnulib fetch --depth=2 origin
remote: Counting objects: 9705, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8668/8668), done.
remote: Total 9705 (delta 5051), reused 2198 (delta 1014)
Receiving objects: 100% (9705/9705), 8.25 MiB | 850.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5051/5051), done.
>From git://
 * branch            d271f868a8df9bbec29049d01e056481b7a1a263 -> FETCH_HEAD

real    0m29.022s
user    0m7.136s
sys     0m2.133s
root@debian:~/gnulib-test# time git -C gnulib reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
Updating files: 100% (9636/9636), done.
HEAD is now at d271f86 lock: Fix link error with --enable-threads=pth.

real    0m7.662s
user    0m2.395s
sys     0m4.957s


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