On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 12:04 AM Dave <invalid.nore...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Follow-up Comment #20, sr #106712 (group administration):
> Why was this closed?  (Less importantly, but curiously missing from the
> record: _when_ was it closed?  Neither the bug's history at the bottom of the
> page, nor any of the savannah-generated emails associated with it,* shows any
> changes to any of the bug's main fields.)
> *
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?query=%5Bsr+%23106712%5D&submit=Search%21&idxname=savannah-hackers&max=50&result=normal&sort=date%3Alate

Fair question.  I could not find an answer to that in the history so I
have reopened it.  At a minimum I think we should document the
rationale for closing and put a status on the ticket that reflects how
we've left things with this request.   I'm curious how it is closed
without there being any records of that in the database, also.

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