
                 Summary: Submission of Hindawi Vernacular Programming System
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: hi_pedler
            Submitted on: Thu 12/29/05 at 23:47
         Should Start On: Thu 12/29/05 at 00:00
   Should be Finished on: Sun 01/08/06 at 00:00
                Category: Project Approval
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Percent Complete: 0%
             Open/Closed: Open
                  Effort: 0.00



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######### REGISTRATION DETAILS ######### 

Full Name:
  Hindawi Vernacular Programming System

System Group Name:

  non-GNU software & documentation

  GNU General Public License V2 or later

  The first ever "complete" suite of open-source programming languages for
Indian vernaculars. It includes equivalents of C, C++, lex, yacc, assembly
etc. in Hindi, Bangla and other vernaculars. Along with this I have also
released Hindi and Bangla DOS (GPL'd and based on FreeDOS), including BASIC
and Logo for vernaculars. The downloads are  currently available at

These projects have won Computer Society of India's Young IT Professional
Award (Eastern region) 2005 (Winner) and 2004 (Special mention), two years in
a row. I shall be competing at the 2005 national level now.

Some of the innovations of this project include a system for displaying Indic
scripts in "true" text-mode. This is done without using any aditional
hardware. At no point has any graphical (rasterising) method been used for
this. All the required glyphs have been accomodated in the extended ASCII
code page, leaving 7-bit ASCII unaltered. This method is applicable to all
Brahmi derived composite syllabic Indian scripts. Hindi, Bangla, Assamese and
Gujrati scripts have been implemented. Oriya and Punjabi are under
development. There are strong suggestions that this may be applicable for
South Indian scripts as well. This has made it possible to have BIOS/POST in
Indic. Besides, this system being free, it does not add to the procurement
cost as compared to commercial products.

Another contribution of this project includes a "case and diacritic
independent, compiler acceptable" transliteration system. This is completely
invertible and is applicable to all Indian languages. This has direct mapping
to the IPA and, hence, may be used to develop programming languages in "any"
human language. It also has bearings on web technology,  as it can allow
Indic URLs in IPv4 as well. It may be used to encode even static web-pages,
such that if someone does not have the required fonts then one may see the
Indic web-page in Roman script transliteration, instead of "boxes" (unicode)
or garbage (other encodings), from the same "static" html.

Finally, the task of Indic programming language design has not been trivial
either. I have also included support for HP printers. The system uses GCC as
back-end and is highly portable. There is both ISCII and UNICODE support for
all languages, including Hindi/Bangla DOS and the IDE. Necessary filters have
been provided for conversions between ISCII, Romenagri, UNICODE, APCISR,
HP-PCL(printing on HP printers) etc. The languages have been developed
synchronically and, hence, there is a certain level of homogenity in keyword
selection across paradigms. The programs written in Indic programming
languages are readily converted to their English equivalents and hence may be
delivered internationally. There is also support for translation of variable
names and rudimentary literate programming. Unreleased languages include
Lisp, Prolog, Ada, Pascal, Fortran etc. in Inian vernaculars. They shall be
released soon, after the initial testing and verification of license issues.
However the availability of lex and yacc makes the issues of targeting
specific lanuages quite trivial, and these are already available for download
along with C, C++, assembly, BASIC, logo, and Java in Hindi and Bangla.

Technologically, Hindi/Bangla C/C++/assembly has been used for robotics and
cluster super-computers. Along with this system, I have also released in
public domain the design of a natural-interfaced autonomous robot. The
languages have also been used to successfully implement a Beowulf cluster.
Effort is now being made towards porting Linux kernel sources to Hindi/Bangla
C, asm etc. This is aided by the fact that I have also include
English-programming-language to Hindi/Bangla-programming-language translators
and vice-versa.

Other Software Required:
  Allegro graphics library


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