
                 Summary: Submission of OPEN SURVEY STATION
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: martin_gnu
            Submitted on: Friday 02/16/07 at 20:12
         Should Start On: Friday 02/16/07 at 00:00
   Should be Finished on: Monday 02/26/07 at 00:00
                Category: Project Approval
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
        Percent Complete: 0%
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                  Effort: 0.00



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= Registration Details =

* System Name:  *oss*
* Type: Official GNU software
* License: GNU General Public License V2 or later


==== Description: ====
OSS seeks to integrate the manipulation of files of total stations, with
files GPS, as well as the work with levels. It works in an internal way with
the Mysql database . This is this way to benefit of the advantages of the
databases. It could be quicker if it used a file binary native, but with
mysql we will be able to work in network in our company, as well as to
display our projects from any browser that has Internet connection. Mysql is
only used therefore as store system.  It has an intermediate system to works
in memory with data binary natives in table form to carry out searches,
erased and upgrades.
We have implemented a system of units with three types of units:
Linear units: Lineal measures and lineal errors.
Angle units: Angle measures and angle errors.
Geodetic units:  Geodetic N-S and Geodetic E-W.
OSS internally works only in metres for Linear units, gradians for angle
units and degrees for geodetic units.
The units that we can define are good for visual display in the interface of
the software, printout in reports or importing external files.
Regarding the topographical calculations we are implementing Network
Adjustment, Polygonals, Radiations, Direct intersections, Inverse
intersections, Stakeout Reports,...
For the import of external text files templates are used based on regular
expressions of PERL, so we will be able to configure our own templates and to
import any text-only file.
The sotware is published with a series of templates for the good known
In all ways the software has native external files, so we can export or to
import them.
The files that we have implemented they are:
Files of projections.
They have the extension .pjt and a viewer to create them and to be able to
display them.
Files of level ellipsoids.
They have the extension .eli and a viewer to create them and to be able to
display them.
Transformation Files.
They have the extension .trs and a viewer to create them and to be able to
display them.
Total files of Stations
They have the extension .apa and a viewer to create them and to be able to
display them.
Files of antennas GPS
They have the extension .ant (it is not still implemented)
Files of levels
They have the extension .lev (it is not still implemented)

ftp://scq7066:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/code_OSS/
ftp://scq7066:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/code_OSS/oss1.JPG

==== Other Software Required: ====
OSS is being programmed with the following tools:
Dev-c++ IDE
mingw compiler

Anjuta IDE
gcc compiler

MySQL Community Server
Mysql c API
GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE)


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