Follow-up Comment #4, task #7015 (project administration):


Thanks for your reply.

I went through the issue of "old BSD"-style license

According to this page the problem is "the obnoxious BSD advertising clause".
It said that every advertisement
mentioning the software must include a particular sentence:

      3. All advertising materials mentioning features or
         use of this software must display the following
         acknowledgement: This product includes software
         developed by the University of California,
         Berkeley and its contributors.

On the other hand Eric Brill's license says that ...

        The name of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
        or M.I.T. may NOT be used in advertising or publicity
        pertaining to distribution of the software. Title to
        copyright in this software and any associated
        documentation shall at all times remain with M.I.T.,
        and USER agrees to preserve same.

It seems to me Eric Brill's advertising clause is just
the opposite of "old BSD" license! 

Or am I missing the issue of "advertising clause"?



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