
> Sorry to haven't answer before, but I reply on no-reply email.
> I am stupid sometimes :)

The registration process is driven via the website only, hence the
NOREPLY email address. See the footer of the email.

> Well, I want to know what is the difference betwen sf and savanah ?

The main difference between GNU Savannah and SourceForge is that Savannah
is running a Free Software platform. That not only means that the services
we are providing to you are run by Free Software, but rather that we
put an emphasis on only hosting Free Software projects which run on a
free operating system, such as GNU/Linux. 

This means that each and every project submission is evaluated here before
being added. In the evaluation process we check if your project is Free
Software, if it can run on a free operating system, if both your project's
license and copyright notices are correct and if your project's depdencies
are Free Software and have been released under a license compatible with
your project's license.

For information on Free Software please see 

If you have any further questions I would be happy to answer them. Some of your
questions might also be answered in our Wiki, please see 

Unfortunatly I already closed your project submission and marked it as 
'deleted'. If you want to have your project hosted at GNU Savannah
please re-register it as mentioned in my last reply.



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