
                 Summary: Submission of FreePokerDB
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: steffen13
            Submitted on: Monday 07/28/2008 at 18:44
         Should Start On: Monday 07/28/2008 at 00:00
   Should be Finished on: Thursday 08/07/2008 at 00:00
                Category: Project Approval
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
        Percent Complete: 0%
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                  Effort: 0.00



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= Registration Details =

* Name: *FreePokerDB*
* System Name:  *fpdb*
* Type: non-GNU software & documentation
* License: Affero General Public License v1 or later (Program AGPL3,
Documentation FDL1.2)


==== Description: ====
Summary: This program is poker tracking software, a class of utilities that
record and track every little detail of your poker sessions. Want to know
many times player Y has raised before the flop at your current stakes? This
program will tell you - allowing you to make much more accurate reads (poker
slang for "[educated] guessing your opponents hand") and as a result better
decisions. Of course in poker the end result in $ is never guaranteed, but
software will make it much easier for you.
The software currently supports importing and processing hand history files
- Holdem, Omaha Hi/Hi-Lo, Stud Hi/Hi-Lo and Razz plus mixed games like HORSE
- No Limit, Pot Limit, Fixed Limit and Full Tilt's CapNL and CapPL
- Any stakes at Cash games, Sit and Gos and Multi Table Tourneys
- All the above from PokerStars, all the above except SnG/Tourney for Full

Programming Language: Python. Probably change to Perl6 sooner or later

Maturity: Importer: alpha to beta. Rest: alpha to pre-alpha

What's special: I've searched and I'm quite sure this is the only free/libre
poker tracking software. Additionally I think (but haven't searched much)
this is the only modern software for Omaha, Stud and Razz (there are ancient
incredibly slow versions of a proprietary software for Omaha and Stud though)

==== Other Software Required: ====
1. MySQL
a. Optional?
        Choose MySQL or PostgreSQL
b. Required Version and Why
        At least 3.23 required due to mysql-python.
        I use 5.0.54 and 5.0.60-r1 (GNU/Linux) and 5.0.51b (Windows).
c. Project Webpage
d. License

2. PostgreSQL
a. Optional?
        Choose MySQL or PostgreSQL
b. Required Version and Why
        I use 8.0.15 (GNU/Linux) and 8.3.3 (Windows) but I am not aware of any
        with older or newer versions, pls report success/failure.
c. Project Webpage
d. License
        BSD License

3. mysql-python
a. Optional?
        Required if you want to use MySQL backend
b. Required Version and Why
        I use 1.2.2 but I am not aware of any incompatibilities with older or 
versions, pls report success/failure.
c. Project Webpage
d. License
        SF lists GNU General Public License (GPL), Python License (CNRI Python
License), Zope Public License.
        Project states GPL without version in Pkg-info.

4. pygresql
a. Optional?
        Required if you want to use PostgreSQL backend
b. Required Version and Why
        I use 3.6.2 but I am not aware of any incompatibilities with older or 
versions, pls report success/failure.
c. Project Webpage
d. License
        http://www.pygresql.org/readme.html#copyright-notice (BSD License?)
        Summary: "Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software 
        documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written 

        is hereby granted[...]" plus Disclaimer.

5. Python
a. Optional?
b. Required Version and Why
        I use 2.4.4 and 2.5.2 but I am not aware of any incompatibilities with 
or newer versions, pls report success/failure.
c. Project Webpage
d. License
        Python License

6. GTK+ and dependencies
a. Optional?
b. Required Version and Why
        I use 2.12.9 but it should run with 2.10 or higher. That is needed as I 
MessageDialog updates
c. Project Webpage
        Main: http://www.gtk.org/
        API spec: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/2.12/
        Windows DLs (get the bundle unless you know what you're doing):
d. License

7. PyGTK
a. Optional?
b. Required Version and Why
        I use 2.12.0 but it should run with 2.10. That is needed as I used
c. Project Webpage
        main: http://www.pygtk.org
        Note for Windows: Due to the lack of package management you have to 
get PyGTK's dependencies (PyCairo and PyGobject).
d. License

==== Other Comments: ====
One thing I should mention wrt to no unfree dependencies. My program doesn't
and never will have any unfree dependencies. However, to use this you will
obviously have to play online poker - and the clients for that are all unfree
and Windows only as far as I know. Nevertheless, without this project you
1. Unfree poker client
2. Unfree poker tracker which doesn't even work in wine (tried HM and PT3)
3. Unfree OS

With this project:
1. Unfree poker client (which does work fine in wine)
2. Free/libre poker traker
3. Any OS that has python and mysql or postgresql.

Thanks for getting this far :)
If I missed anything please let me know, I hope the poker client thing isn't
a deal breaker but there's not much I can do about that.

==== Tarball URL: ====


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