Update of task #10315 (project administration):

                  Status:                    None => In Progress            
             Assigned to:                    None => alexfernandez          


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Jack,

Welcome again! I hope that this time the project admins can approve your
submission; I will again be reviewing it for them.

There are still a few minor issues with the submission:
* The CHANGELOG now includes the license header, well done! But the README
(and README.html) still don't.
* There are a couple of images which should be listed in the README file
along with author and license information.
* You list this project under "GPLv2", but the LICENSE file and all source
files show GPLv3. This is probably just a mistake.
* You are including in the package both my own eLyXer and wordpresslib.py.
First: I feel honored. Now, there should be no problem with eLyXer since it's
also under the GPLv3, but the license of wordpresslib is GPLv2. Since you are
using both libraries inside LyXBlogger they need to have compatible licenses;
I believe this is the case (wordpresslib can be distributed and used under the
GPLv3 so all three packages should be compatible), but it's a complex issue
and I would like to have a second opinion.
* Something to keep in mind: if you include elyxer.py in your package we
should keep it synchronized so users always get the latest version. This
should not be hard to do since you are subscribed to the eLyXer users list and
new releases are always announced there, but you need to understand and
acknowledge the effort required.

Could you correct these issues (really just the first two) and provide an
updated tarball? Once the licensing for wordpresslib is reviewed I will
recommend its approval. Thanks!


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