
                 Summary: Submission of Red de Decrecimiento
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: manueldavid
            Submitted on: vie 21 ago 2015 09:04:20 GMT
         Should Start On: vie 21 ago 2015 00:00:00 GMT
   Should be Finished on: lun 31 ago 2015 00:00:00 GMT
                Category: Project Approval
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
        Percent Complete: 0%
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah 
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or
discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, *approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group
<https://savannah.gnu.org/siteadmin/groupedit.php?group_id=11499> page*,
accessible only to site administrators, effectively *logged as site
administrators* (superuser):

* Group Administration

= Registration Details =

* Name: *Red de Decrecimiento*
* System Name:  *reddecrecimiento*
* Type: non-GNU software and documentation
* License: GNU General Public License v2 or later


==== Description: ====
Red de Decrecimiento is a project to conduct a study (location, type of
activity, etc.) on all initiatives to decrease and transition towns in the
Iberian Peninsula. To do a web where can view, add and contacting each other,
these initiatives will be held so that they can cooperate and be more
comprehensive initiatives. Currently the project is performed in a web
provided by wordpress, it aims to change this as soon as possible, and for
that the language Python is used with the Django framework for the MySQL
database is used.

==== Other Software Required: ====
Name: Red de Decrecimiento, License: GNU General Public License v2 or Later.
The latest version of Python and Django framework and will be used for the
database, also most current version of MySQL. A date 08/20/2015

==== Tarball URL: ====


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