Follow-up Comment #14, task #14130 (project administration):

Luke: having taken this case on I would like to see it through, but if you
still want to get your project approved for hosting on Savannah, I need a bit
more help from you.  As I said at the beginning, the complexity of this case
is above what I have handled before, so your helping me in fulfilling my
volunteer role in helping you will be much appreciated.

Specifically, I don't understand what you mean when you say that you don't
hold the copyright to many modifications.  I had understood that this project
was a modified version of the reference Bitcoin software.  Could you please
expand on what the project consists of?  Perhaps looking in fine detail at the
diffs you supplied would reveal the answer to some extent, but having put a
fair bit of time into this submission up to this point, I would appreciate it
if you would save me some (time) by giving me some more information to go on.

The reason I have been raising all the issues about copyright notices is that,
before any project can be hosted on Savannah, software forming part of the
project needs to be clearly identifiable as free software.  Any modifications
to an existing free software project not specifically and clearly licensed in
themselves would not meet that requirement.  


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