Follow-up Comment #3, task #15026 (project administration):

> Certainly, I can fix the files that come with SPDX-License-Identifier. See
new commit:

Thank you!

> I initially licensed guile-json with LGPLv3 but GnuCash wanted to use
guile-json and since GnuCash it's licensed under the GPL

The LGPLv3 says,

  This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.

The GPLv3 says, in its turn,

  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of

This means that the user may always drop the text of the LGPL and
use your package under the GPL. Weren't you aware of that?

> I've seen a few other projects that do the same. For example:

I find this confusing: the LGPL embeds a permission to use under the GPL, why
the copyright holders explicitly mention the GPL? They must mean something
different, but what?

> About the README and ChangeLog,

For ChangeLog, please check
(note +verb+Change log files should have a copyright notice and license notice
at the end-verb-).

README files are explicitly mentioned in

Note that some other files in your package still lack the notices; please
check them all.

> there are important GNU proejcts that don't include the license notice.

Please file a bug report and make sure it's fixed...

> I believe I haven't added them in any of my other projects in savannah in
the past.

...and of course fix your own packages!

Any files that have no copyright and license notices are technically
unredistributable, therefore proprietary. There may be an overall notice for
the whole program somewhere in README (your package doesn't seem to have it),
however, they are easily lost when a file without notices is copied to another
package alone.

By the way, are you sure you need the LGPL
<> at all?


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