Follow-up Comment #2, task #15934 (project administration):

[comment #1 comment #1:]
> You didn't specify the licensing of your package clearly,

MIT License:

> and didn't list all your dependencies.  Please do.

There are 2 types of dependencies:

1. External binaries:

- (GPL2; executed only as separate binary,
and its functionality is optional, to handle Bitlocker-encrypted NTFS

- (LGPL3; executed only as separate
binaries, and its functionality is optional, to handle Apple filesystems)

- standard Linux userland binaries (cat, mv, mount etc.)

2. Code-level dependencies:

- python-configparser
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License

> Will the licensing of the result be compatible with Savannah hosting
requirements? (By the way, do you understand well what they are?)

"To be hosted on Savannah, your project must be free software, and it must be
kept independent of any nonfree software. (...)"

Yes, it will be compatible.


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