Update of task #16100 (project administration):

                  Status:                    None => In Progress            
             Assigned to:                    None => ineiev                 


Follow-up Comment #1:

This isn't an official GNU package, its name shouldn't use "GNU".

Then, you list "MIT" as the license for some of your dependencies. This is
ambiguous, please check //www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html.

Also, LGPLv3 is written as a set of additional permissions on top of GPLv3;
your tarball includes a copy of LGPLv3, but it should also include a copy of
the GPLv3.

At last, copyrightable files like tests/data/get_status-1.xml have no valid
copyright and license notices. (By the way, who is actually the copyright
holder?   The VCS logs are missing, and you are not listed in
fencepost.gnu.org:/gd/gnuorg/copylight.list as having assigned copyright for
anything like Debbugs).


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