Follow-up Comment #3, task #16459 (project administration):

I've removed the postal address and changed it to the URL as currently
specified.  I will upload a new tarball shortly.

With respect to one file, protocol.txt, I could use some advice.  It is not
part of the program per se, it is the protocol I wrote which the program
implements.  I'm not sure a protocol (which one does not want altered) is
appropriate for GPL or FDL license. When there is more documentation, I can
included the protocol as an invariant section.  Until then, do you have a

For the rest, here are specific license links you requested:

LGPL v2.0 with static library linking exception (similar to GCC and other
runtime libraries). A page explaining their license and rationale is here:

I believe this is just a vanilla MIT license.

DIMime: I'm not using it as a library, so referencing it as such was not
really correct.  I modified and incorporated one file from it into my project.
 With the written permission of the author, I was able to license this file as
GPL v3.0.  That is noted in the file base64url.pas.   Its history, original
license and copyright, and current status are noted there.

It was originally released under the MPL v1.1, which I understand that GNU
considers GPL compatible, but which most outside GNU don't (hence why I
contacted the author with the request to relicense it).  There is no link to
the original license per se, you have to download the library and look at the
copyright notice on the source files.  This is actually problematic since the
author releases his source files as Windows self-extracting archive
executables.  I had to finally use 7-zip on Windows to be able to open the
distribution without executing it.

(file #55300)


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File name: allcall_0.91_beta.tar.gz       Size:71 KB


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