
                 Summary: Submission of libcroco
                   Group: Savannah Administration
               Submitter: haible
               Submitted: Mon 19 Feb 2024 04:55:53 PM CET
         Should Start On: Mon 19 Feb 2024 12:00:00 AM CET
   Should be Finished on: Thu 29 Feb 2024 12:00:00 AM CET
                Category: Project Approval
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Mon 19 Feb 2024 04:55:53 PM CET By: Bruno Haible <haible>
A new group has been registered at Savannah.
This group will remain inactive until a site admin approves
or discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

Approving or discarding the registration must be done using the specific
[https://savannah.nongnu.org/siteadmin/groupedit.php?group_id=12346 Group
administration] page, accessible only to site
administrators logged in as superusers.

= Registration Details =

* Name: *libcroco*
* System Name:  *libcroco*
* Type: non-GNU software and documentation
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License


== Description: ==
Libcroco is a standalone CSS2 parsing and manipulation library.
Its main features are a CSS parser with a CSS object model like API, and a
CSS2 selection engine.

== Other Software Required: ==

MIT license
(but I wish to make it optional later)

== Other Comments: ==
* The package was hosted on gnome.org, until the GNOME people decided that
they don't need it any more (because they moved their CSS handling from C to
JavaScript) and thus archived their repository:
https://gitlab.gnome.org/Archive/libcroco. However, GNU gettext continues to
need it as an upstream and to apply fixes occasionally.

* Please don't install the .tar.gz as is. It does not include the project's
history. I want to install the archived project's git repository in savannah,
preserving history, and continue development from there.

== Tarball URL: ==


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